Work That Matters
125 Years of Ethical Leadership
In 2024, Timken received Ethisphere’s World’s Most Ethical Companies® recognition for the 13th time — a milestone reached by only 36 companies in the world.
Timken’s inclusion in that select group follows 125 years of a culture focused on doing the right thing for customers, employees and stakeholders around the world. Maintaining those values is an intentional, daily focus that everyone at Timken takes to heart.
In an environment where ethical behavior can take second place to short-term financial interests, Angel Olivas, manager of ethics, compliance and global data privacy, feels fortunate to be part of a company that sees the bigger picture. He shares how his work keeps universal values top-of-mind at one of the most ethical companies in the world.
Q: What led you to choose a career in ethics and compliance?
Olivas: I grew up in Juarez, Mexico, a culturally diverse city that borders El Paso, Texas. I went to law school because I wanted to make a difference and quickly found I could do that by focusing on corporate law — aiding companies creating jobs that helps people improve their lives.
Over the years, I worked with companies that had been forced to rebuild their reputations —fantastic companies with fantastic people who made mistakes that could have been avoided. Those were draining situations. I learned the importance of putting people in an environment where they are equipped to succeed and hold each other accountable, so they don’t compromise their ultimate goals.
I was drawn to ethics and compliance because we focus on preventative measures. I believe it is better to help my colleagues avoid ever getting into a bad situation. I enjoy this much more than I like helping them get out of one.
Q: How does Timken approach ethics and compliance?
Olivas: Honesty, transparency, respect, responsibility — these are universally recognized values that hold true for employees, customers and partners worldwide, and they enable everything we hold dear. Our customers come to us for long-term solutions in critical applications. They put a lot of trust in us, and that wouldn’t exist without the values we bring to the table.
“Honesty, transparency, respect, responsibility — these are universally recognized values that hold true for employees, customers and partners worldwide, and they enable everything we hold dear.”
Angel Olivas
Manager of Ethics, Compliance and Global Data Privacy
Timken culture drives our ethics and compliance program, not the other way around. We empower everyone, from our leaders and executives to our co-op students, to live these values. My job is to help Timken cultivate and safeguard our culture. To do this, I focus on equipping our people through communication, training and other resources. I look to ensure our employees can identify and address high-risk situations — and to give them ways to speak up freely if they have questions or see something amiss.
Q: What is Timken’s role as an ethical leader in its industry, its communities, and the world?
Olivas: Timken has invested in ethical leadership consistently over the past 125 years, and our success speaks for itself. We often win business not just because we offer the best value but because the customer trusts us more — because they know we’ll do it right. That success has a ripple effect, influencing not only our employees and partners, but also encouraging competitors to elevate the way they do business.
Success is about more than short-term financial results. How you get there is important. People are your greatest asset, so the impact you have on them, their families and their environment is immensely important. We attract and retain good people because we deliver results while also building a better society.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
Olivas: It’s rewarding to help people go back to their families at the end of every day feeling proud of their work and their association with Timken. My goal is to ensure none of us ever find ourselves in a position where we would have to explain a questionable action or be ashamed of what we do. I think the work I do makes a difference, which is what I set out to do.
Learn about how Timken culture and values play a role in maintaining a high-performing workforce.
Last Updated: 2024/05/19
Published: 2024/04/1