Kaliteye Olan Bağlılığımız

Kalite, itibarımızın temel taşıdır. Tüm küresel Timken üretim tesisleri ISO sertifikalıdır ve hizmet verdikleri sektörler için kalite sistem standartlarını karşılar.

Sertifikaları Keşfedin

Timken Dünya Çapında Kalite Standartları

Kalite taahhüdümüz Timken markasının bütünlüğünü korur ve müşterilerimizin bize duyduğu güveni muhafaza eder. Dünyanın neresinde üretilirse üretilsin, müşterilerin Timken ürünlerinden tutarlı bir kalite almasını sağlamak için Ar-Ge, eğitim ve süreç iyileştirmeye her yıl milyonlarca dolar yatırım yapıyoruz.

Kendi Timken Dünya Çapında Kalite Standartlarımız, Timken® ürünlerini üreten her tesiste istisnasız olarak uygulanmaktadır. Ayrıca Amerikan Rulman İmalatı Birliği (ABMA) için standartlar oluşturarak ve Uluslararası Standardizasyon Örgütü (ISO) standartlarına katkıda bulunarak sektörde kalitenin tanımlanmasına yardımcı olduk.

Kalite Politikası

Kalite Tescil Sertifikalarımız

Kalite Ölçütümüz

Kalite taahhüdümüzü yerine getirdiğimizden emin olmak için Timken Kalite Yönetim Sistemi (TQMS) adı verilen bir dizi standart iş süreciyle çalışıyoruz. Bu sistem, müşterilerimiz, çalışanlarımız ve tedarikçilerimiz için kabul edilebilir ve istisnai kalite standartlarının ne olduğuna dair net yönergeler belirler.

TQMS, tüm üretim ve hizmet süreçlerimizde hedefli ve disiplinli en iyi uygulamalar yoluyla kalite temel değerimizi güçlendirir.

TQMS, ISO 9000’e dayanır ve zorlu müşteri gereksinimlerini ve Timken içinden ve dışından en iyi uygulamaları içerir. TQMS, kaliteyi nasıl elde edeceğimize ve ölçeceğimize ilişkin bir çerçeve sağlar. 21 modülün her biri sürekli iyileştirme için yıllık olarak gözden geçirilmekte ve sektörlerimiz ve ürünlerimiz geliştikçe asgari kalite beklentileri için daha yüksek standartlara yol açmaktadır.

Kalite Politikası

Dünya çapındaki tüm Timken üretim tesisleri, hizmet verdikleri sektörler için kalite sistemi standardına kayıtlıdır. Ayrıca, tüm Timken tesisleri ISO 9001 standardına sahiptir.

Yenilikçiliğe ve kaliteli ürünler yaratmaya odaklanmamız 120 yıldan daha uzun bir süre önce, kurucumuz Henry Timken’in, adını sadece gurur kaynağı olan ürünlere vereceğini belirtmesiyle başladı.

Bu kalite temeli bugün de devam etmekte ve kalite politikamıza yansımaktadır:

    Kalite, itibarımızın temel taşıdır ve üç temel ilke ile her bir işletmenin misyonunu gerçekleştirme kabiliyetinin merkezinde yer alır:


Her Çalışan…Timken markasının önemini anlar.


Her Çalışan…Taahhüt ettiklerimizi tutarlı bir şekilde üretir ve sunar.


Her Çalışan…Kaliteyi etkileyen kararlar için sorumluluk alır.

Kalite Politikası

Dünya çapındaki tüm Timken üretim tesisleri, hizmet verdikleri sektörler için kalite sistemi standardına kayıtlıdır. Ayrıca, tüm Timken tesisleri ISO 9001 standardına sahiptir.

Yenilikçiliğe ve kaliteli ürünler yaratmaya odaklanmamız 120 yıldan daha uzun bir süre önce, kurucumuz Henry Timken’in, adını sadece gurur kaynağı olan ürünlere vereceğini belirtmesiyle başladı.

Bu kalite temeli bugün de devam etmekte ve kalite politikamıza yansımaktadır:

Kalite, itibarımızın temel taşıdır ve üç temel ilke ile her bir işletmenin misyonunu gerçekleştirme kabiliyetinin merkezinde yer alır:


Her Çalışan…Timken markasının önemini anlar.


Her Çalışan…Taahhüt ettiklerimizi tutarlı bir şekilde üretir ve sunar.


Her Çalışan…Kaliteyi etkileyen kararlar için sorumluluk alır.

Kalite Tescil Belgelerimiz

The importing, warehousing, repair, assembly and repacking, sale and distribution of a range of bearings and other related parts

Assembly and commercialization of chain conveyors in steel; carbon up to 3.78 "; and commercialization of steel sprockets in steel; carbon for application in agricultural equipment.

Services in receiving, packing, handling, storing and shipping goods and general warehouse management.

Import and commercialization of bearings

Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing, materials management and distribution.

Design and manufacture of custom and standard gear drives; precision gear grinding; C.N.C. machining; fabrication; and heat treatment.

Design and Manufacture of SRB Housed units and power transmission products

Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing, materials management and distribution.

Inspection, assembly and packaging of bearing industry products for original equipment and aftermarket customers.

Service of sourcing, supplier development and other fulfillment for Timken manufacturing facilities

Design and manufacture of tapered roller bearings

Timken XEMC (Hunan) Bearing Co. LTD (Xiangtan)

Custom brokerage, road transportation, freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution and relevant matched services, assist Customs and Commodity Inspection & Quarantine Bureau to carry out supporting inspection service

Rail Journal Bearing Testing

Design and manufacture of taper roller bearings

Warehousing and distribution

Taper Roller and Cylindrical Roller Bearings

Manufacture and Delivery of Tapered and Cylindrical Roller Bearing up to 24 Inches

Mechanical testing

Warehousing and distribution

Design and manufacturing of lubrication solutions

Design, production and sale of lubrication systems and electronic devices for the efficiency of transport on the road, off-road and in industrial installations

Timken Mexico Rodamientos
Parque Opcion
Boulevard San Jose Torres Landa No 4
San Jose Iturbide, Mexico 37980
+52 (419) 126-0180

Timken Mexico Bandas
Parque Opcion
Boulevard San Jose Torres Landa No 4
San Jose Iturbide, Mexico 37980
+52 (419) 126-0180

Tapered roller bearings and parts including forgings, cages, rollers, cups and cones

Manufacturing of bearings and bearing components

Design & Development, manufacture and repair of bearing related parts – up to 4000 mm size range; Metallurgical testing and evaluation activities

Transportation and Power Generation Accreditation – Heat Treatment

Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing management and distribution.

Manufacture and remanufacture of bearings

Warehousing services

19 (Single railway components) – Design, assembly and refurbishment of bearings and related parts." to be "Production & Service provision & EPPPS & Project management & Requirements management.

Design, manufacture, assembly, test and supply of company’s range of lubrication systems, hydraulic hose reels and associated fittings, by-pass filtration systems, including the repair of products returned to the factory for service under warranty

Design and manufacture of split roller bearings, ball and roller bearings and associated products.

Ball and roller bearings

Ball and roller bearings; motor vehicle supplies and new parts

The design, manufacture and refurbishment of power transmission equipment

Design and Manufacture of Chains and Auger Products

IATF 16949: Design and Manufacture of pre-assembled bearings.
ISO 9001: Packaging, greasing and distribution of bearings and bearing related products.

Ball and roller bearings

Designs, manufactures, and services power transmission products and related
equipment that serve various markets such as: Wind, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper,
Metal Processing, Mining, Petrochemical, Water Management, Cement, and Aggregate Materials.

The design and manufacture of tapered roller bearings, components and assemblies

The manufacture of anti-friction bearings

Ball and roller bearings; motor vehicle supplies and new parts

Design, Manufacture and Distribution of Torque Transmitting Couplings, Power Transmission Products and Hydraulic Oil-Water Coolers, Repair of Variable Speed Pulleys and Manufacture of Custom Powder Metal Components

The manufacturer of anti-friction bearings

Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment

Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment

Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment

Philadelphia Gear, A Brand of the Timken Gears & Services (IL)

Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment

Design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment

Design, manufacture and supply of specialty brakes, clutches, and custom engineered products for niche markets.

ISO 9001: The design, manufacture, supply and repair of specialty brakes, clutches, torsional spring couplings and custom engineered products for niche markets.

  • ISO 9001
  • ABS Certification: American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Manufacturing Assessment Certification
    • For the manufacturer of brakes

  • ABS Certification

Recondition locomotive roller bearings

Manufacture journal roller bearings

Recondition locomotive journal roller bearings

Recondition locomotive journal bearings

Design related to Repair Activities, Manufacture, Repair, Service and Sales of Electric Motors, Generators and Control Panels.

The design, manufacture and service of power transmission products and related equipment for Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Metal Processing, Mining, Petrochemical, Water Management, Cement, and Aggregate Materials.

Inspection, reconditioning and overhaul of ball and roller bearings, and other non-bearing aircraft repairs.

901 Aucutt Road
Montgomery, IL 60538
United States of America

Design and manufacture of rod end, spherical and journal bearings

Design, Manufacture and Assembly of Bearing and Power Transmission Products

Design, manufacture, and repair of rolling element bearing components and assemblies

Manufacture of rubber belts for power transmission

Design and manufacture of rubber belts for power transmission

GL Renewables Statement No. 73893 – Verification of the Dynamic Rating Method for Taper and Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Supply chain management control and information with customer service contract and document review and order processing.

Design and Manufacture of Driveline Components

The manufacture of caged rings, ball bearings and taper/cylindrical/thrust/self-aligning heavy duty roller bearings

Design, manufacture, installation and service of cranes

Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing, materials management and distribution

Provision of air and ocean freight forwarding services. Provision of logistics services including a warehousing, materials management and distribution.

Packaging warehousing distribution and order fulfillment