A Century of Aerospace Innovation
Inginerii aerospațiali au apelat la Timken pentru soluții de reducere a frecării atâta timp cât au existat avioane, elicoptere, nave spațiale și sateliți. Orice mașină concepută pentru a lua zborul are nevoie de rulmenți puternici și eficienți, care să reziste la condiții extreme și să funcționeze fiabil în situații critice.
Astăzi, inginerii Timken colaborează cu parteneri aerospațiali din întreaga lume pentru a imagina, dezvolta și produce mașinile zburătoare ale secolului 21. Ei proiectează elicoptere de ultimă generație care sunt mai eficiente; lucrând cu NASA la Dragonfly, aeronava cu giratori care va explora luna Titan a lui Saturn; și reglarea fină a taxiurilor electrice-verticale de decolare și aterizare care vor transforma orașele.
De la Wright Flyer la Telescopul Webb, vedeți cum echipele Timken au ajutat la rezolvarea provocărilor aerospațiale critice de-a lungul deceniilor.
- 1903
- 1930s
- Mid-1930s
- 1935
- 1940s
- 1953
- 1964
- 1969
- 1996
- 2003
- 2009
- 2012
- 2020
- Feb. 2021
- Dec. 2021
- 2023
- Oct. 2024
Earthbound No More
Using Diamond® chain products from their bicycle shop, Orville & Wilbur Wright pioneer the era of aviation with the world’s first manned, controlled flight near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
Ubiquitous Durability
Timken is the go-to supplier as the World War II Allies look for robust, rugged, durable bearing solutions. Each B-17 Flying Fortress uses 240 Timken bearings.
Super Steel Changes the Game
Timken metallurgist Martin Fleischmann patents a corrosion-resistant steel alloy which leads to Super Steel 16-25-6 — an alloy giving Allied bombers and fighter planes critical advantages in the final stages of World War II. Super Steel is also essential in the development of postwar turbojet engines.
A Revolution in Commercial Air Travel
Timken® bearings in the Douglas DC-3 make commercial air travel comfortable, reliable and profitable.
Bringing a Lifesaving Dream to Life
Timken engineers work closely with Igor Sikorsky to develop the R-4 — the first helicopter to be sold in high volume. Its ability to hover as well as fly up, down and sideways make it ideal for lifesaving missions.
Air Travel Upgrade
Twenty Timken® bearings — used in both the propellers and landing wheels — support the British Vickers Viscount, the first turboprop airliner — known for its smooth, quiet ride, panoramic windows and low operational costs.
Mach 3 Speeds
Longtime partner, B.F. Goodrich designs Timken® bearing into the landing gear of the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird US Air Force reconnaissance plane. Built to fly above Mach 3 (three times the speed of sound), its 1976 airspeed record for air-breathing flight — 2,193.2 mph — still stands.
Guiding the First Moon Walkers
Timken’s work on inertial guidance systems bears fruit in Apollo 11’s Lunar Exploration Module, guiding astronauts to the moon for the first time. The same system is used in 1970’s Apollo 13 to guide astronauts back to Earth after the main guidance system fails.
Exploring Mars: Pathfinder
Timken® miniature, precision bearings play a critical role in the Pathfinder mission, which lands Sojourner, the first rover to explore the Red Planet.
Exploring Mars: Spirit and Opportunity
NASA’s “twin robot geologists,” Spirit and Opportunity rovers, rely on Timken bearings for their descent to Mars.
Meeting the Extreme Challenges of Space
Astronauts embark on a spacewalk to make delicate repairs to the 30-year-old Hubble Space Telescope. To withstand the extreme operating temps and vacuum of space, the mini power tools they carry use a custom thin-section precision ball bearing designed by Timken engineers.
Exploring Mars: Curiosity
In addition to using Timken® bearings in its descent, the Curiosity rover also has Timken® bearings in the center hub of its sample carousel system. Two ¼ inch (6.35 mm) Timken® bearings also run the tiny vacuum pump that supports the rover’s analytical equipment.
Covid-19 Disrupts Air Travel
When thousands of passenger jets are grounded during the Covid-19 pandemic, the all-important landing wheel bearings sit quiet — a state they were never designed for — Timken service engineers step in to develop maintenance and inspection procedures so aircraft can return to service quickly and safely when the time comes.
Exploring Mars: Perseverance
GGB, a Timken brand, partners with NASA to develop tribological solutions used in the sampling and caching systems of the Perseverance Rover which lands on Mars in search of signs of ancient life.
Peering Into Infinity
Supported with Timken technology, The James Webb Space Telescope launches a new era of deep space exploration. Timken bearings are used in two critical systems: Mechanisms that secure key components of the space telescope prior to deployment, and the downlink antenna that makes communication possible.
Next-Level Efficiency
Timken launches a complete line of tapered and cylindrical bearings featuring silicon nitride (ceramic) rollers. The hybrid bearings are lighter, stronger, and more efficient than all-steel bearings — perfect for extreme aerospace requirements.
NASA launches Europa Clipper
NASA recently launched the Europa Clipper, a robotic, solar-powered spacecraft built to orbit Jupiter and capture high-resolution images of Europa, one of its four largest moons. Scientists will use the images to understand Europa’s icy shell, determine if the ocean beneath it could support life and identify sites for future landing missions.
High-precision, preloaded stainless thin-section bearing pairs from Timken support the camera system mounted on the outside of the spacecraft — with minimal protection from the temperature and radiation extremes it will encounter on its multi-year flight.
„Majoritatea aeronavelor din lume decolează și aterizează pe rulmenții ale roții de aterizare Timken. Miliarde de vieți se bazează în fiecare an pe acea parte critică, care trebuie să reziste la condiții extreme de mai multe ori pe zi.”
„Clienții au încredere în expertiza noastră privind rulmenții pentru a-i ajuta să exploreze spațiul, să facă descoperiri despre univers și chiar să urmărească și să prezică vremea”.
„Produsele Timken rezistente la uzură, gestionate termic, de mare viteză, cu densitate de putere și cu sarcină mare se potrivesc perfect cu ceea ce caută designerii de aeronave”.
Pe măsură ce ne îndreptăm spre viitor, un lucru este clar: descoperirile din domeniul aerospațial vor fi întotdeauna eforturile comunității – adunând oamenii împreună din diferite culturi și spațiu pentru a învăța unii de la alții și pentru a face ca cele mai dificile provocări să pară ușoare.
Aflați despre tehnologiile care oferă clienților Timken un avans în problemele de reducere a frecării inerente zborului electric.
Last Updated: 2023/05/02
Publicat: 2023/05/02