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TSL (with Duo Face-Plus Seals)

TSL bearings are similar to TS bearings, but feature DUO FACE-PLUS™ seals pressed onto the outside diameter of the cone rib.

Size range:

ID 19.050 mm to 68.262 mm (0.7500 in.  to 2.6875 in.)
OD 45.237 mm to 110 mm (1.7810 in.  to 4.3307 in.)

Design Attributes:

  • TS design with a seal pressed onto the cone rib OD.
  • One seal lip operates in the housing bore while the other seals against the cup face.


  • Moderate- to low-speed automotive and industrial applications
  • Aircraft wheels
  • Farm implement wheels
  • Idler rollers
  • Side-delivery hay rakes